Important Tips Before You Learn

1. Always remember words with its kjønn (Han/Hun/Intet.). Otherwise later it would be difficult when you study grammer.-> More info here
2. Avoid using Google Translate. Use Ordbok instead.-> More info here
3. Avoid mapping or translating sentences from your mother toung to Norsk or vice a verse. They simply will not fit!. The grammar is different! and then you will have questions like why they have used PÅ or I etc.
4.You can download the norsk verb list here. Its very important that you memorize the verbs.
5. Written and Verbal Test tpoics are found here and here

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Norsk Preposisjoner

There are several prepositions used in Norsk. Prepositions usually tells the position of an object with respect to other objects.

Norsk Preposisjoner:
Av, Etter, For, For Siden, Fra, Foran, Gjennom, Hos, I, Innen, Innenfor, Med, Mellom, Mot, Om, Omkring, Overfor, Over, På, Rundt, Til, Under, Ved Siden Av, Ved,

And many more....

Among these the most confusing preposition is PÅ and I. There are often confusions about when to use what.There are no such rules as when to use what but we can definitely draw a pattern.

You can also use references from in here and here, Also can check youtube video here for more details.

When to use what: My Way of Remembering some of it!

Prepositions General Rules

  • When statement has IKKE in it. e.g. Jeg har ikke sett henne på 5 dager.
  • Something DID NOT happened (Duration).
  • Days of the weeks.
  • Time required to Finish the task.
  • If the stuff is 'On' something. e.g. Boken er på gulvet
  • e.g. Han har sekk PÅ ryggen. Støvler PÅ føttene. (He has backpak on back. Shoes on Foot etc.)
  • We use I to indicate the are within Big Area and PÅ to indicate area inside that big area. Assume that you draw two circles one inside other, then all the things in the small inside circle will have PÅ and between inner and outer circle, everything would be I.
  • e.g. På Grønland I Oslo , På biblioteket
  • For islands and Mountains, we always use På. Its like island is surrounded by Sea - island is inner circle and sea is outer
  • e.g. På Fjellet, På øyen
  • How long something lasts.
  • When something has happened (Duration)
  • The Current Season. i.e. i Sommer, i Høst, i Vår, i Vinter
  • Months and Years
  • If the stuff is 'INSIDE' something. e.g. Boken er i skuffen.
  • We can use 'I', when an object is placed inside other closed objects such as box or drawer or cupboard etc
  • e.g. Det er mat I ryggsekken.
  • We also use I to indicate the State. or Big Area
  • e.g. I Oslo , I Stavanger
  • Repetitive Events
  • Every Season. i.e. if you are doing some activity every season, use OM
  • How long UNTIL something happens
  • e.g. Hun kommer om 5 minutter.
  • About someone or somebody. e.g. Jeg snakker om denne boka.
  • Future time period during which something is going to happen.
  • How Long ago something had happened
  • How long since the last time something happened. Its mostly year in numbers.
  • e.g. Jeg har ikke vært i hjemlandet mitt siden 2000
  • Upcoming Season or Event
  • e.g Neste sommer -> next year's summer, Neste uka -> Nest Week, Neste gang -> Nest time
  • Previous Event, Season or Time
  • e.g Siste sommer -> Last summer. Siste uke -> Last week. Siste gang -> Last time
  • Every
  • e.g : Hver sommer -> every summer. Hver uke -> every week. Hvergang -> everytime
  • (In) Between or Through
  • e.g : If you are looking through the window, you can use Han Set gjennom vinduet. Or you can also say you are sitting in between two persons.
  • In Front of
  • e.g : Du sitter foran PC.
  • Under
  • If the things are under any other things. Eg. Hunden ligger under bordet.
  • Over
  • If the things are over any other things. Eg. Lampa ligger over bordet. The obvious question here would be why not PÅ?
  • The other rule to use OVER is, If the thing can NOT 'lay' over other thing then use OVER otherwise use PÅ. i.e. things that can be kept horizontal to the ground over other things.
  • e.g. Det er duk PÅ bordet
  • At the house of
  • If you are talking about someone's house or place use HOS
  • e.g. Hun var hos oss i går- Hun var hos tannlegen i går.
  • Beside / Next to / Adjacent to
  • Normally we use this to indicate shop positions etc.
  • e.g. Biblioteket ligger ved siden av butikken.

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